Emmanuel Otoo's Portfolio

The Era of the Drone Swarm is Coming, and We Need to Be Ready for It

I researched about drone swarm technology, which has the ability of drones to freely make decisions based on shared info. These drone swarms have the potential to restructure conflict dynamics. Drones can spread over across large areas to distinguish and take out hostile surface-to-air missiles and other aerial defenses. Developing drone technology is a multi-tasking, difficult challenge. Advances in techonology like this cab definitely help the U.S. Navy, S.W.A.T., and military forces as first or second options against reoccuring threats. https://mwi.usma.edu/era-drone-swarm-coming-need-ready/

Pet Robots

My friend Jhon researched about robots being able to pick up any object after inspecting it. Humans have been masters of dexterity, a skill that can be credited to help of our eyes. Robots in controlled environments have the ability to pick the same object over and over again. Recently, breakthroughs in computer vision have empowered to make basic variations between objects. Dense Object Nets (DON) looks at objects as point collections that serve as sort of visual roadmaps. This lets robots better understand and use items, most importantly allowing them to even pcik a specified item among a jumble of similar. The Don systemcreates a series of coordinattes on a given object. DON could pick out a specific target hat regardless of the hats having very similar designs. In the future, DON hopes to be improved to a place where it can perform specific tasks with a deeper understanding of the corresponding objects. http://news.mit.edu/2018/mit-csail-robots-can-pick-any-object-after-inspection-0910

Me and my partner, Oswaldo, created a counting in different number bases table. The first column, binary, creates a column in binary from 1 to 17. The second column, 10 based, creates a column in 10 based from 1 to 17. In 10 based, you are lliterally counting from 0 to 17. But the final column, hex, is a mixture of letters and numbers. So you start from 0 to 9, then go to A to F, finishing with 10 and 11. This is what the table is all about, creating a program with an array of ways to count, binary, 10 base, and hex.

Straw Structure

Me and my group members created a bridge structure to how see long it would go without touching the ground. We connected straws to build support in the back while trying to make float being taped to table. The paper off the straws we used to connected to the back of the support to hold the bridge up. My group was only able to get up to 3 inches with the bridge, but it was fun to build a model straw structure with my team. Doing this exercise taught me that it's not about finishing the quickest, it's how good you finish it.

The problem that got me frustrated the most while doing the straw structure was making the front of the bridge stand straight. With the support being in the back, using paper to hold it was not enough because the paper was too light to hold the front of the bridge up. And everytime we would change something in the front, the back would come be untaped and messed up. We never really solved our problem because we lost. The team that won had a bridge that was 7 foot long. My group had only one problem, and if time was on our side, we could have won the straw structure competition.

Weekly Schedule Assignment

I am a creating a program based on my school schedule. My partner, Derick, has the same schedule is me so it is easier to create the program. The only thing that hard about making the same schedule is that I have lunch first, while he has advisory. And while he has lunch, I have advisory but other than that the project is really easier.

Research Articles

The article that I read was about 3D printing. 3D printing is expected to play a role in the trend towards personalized medicine. 3D printing is expected to be a common thing in pharmacy settings. The greatest advantage that 3D printers have is the freedom to produce custom made medicine products and equipment. 3D printing has given a rise to security issues that merit serious concerns. A harmful effect of 3D printing is that it also is able to print out guns, gun magazines, master keys, and ATM skinnners.

My program was about coding a ship assembly plant. This program is related to RGB (red, green, and blue), processing ellipse, fill, and stroke. Problems with coding this was trying out different colors for the specifc contracts to try and get an exact model of the assembly plant. My partner, Derick, and I got help from our good friend Ibrahim.

My Spaceship Essay

2A: The programming language I am using is HTML, which is used to create docuemnts on the World Wide Web. My program shows the steps of constructing a spaceship. This works by choosing shapes like rectangles, triangles, and ellipses to form a model of a spaceship. The steps go up to 10 but I'm only on step 5.

2B: I had trouble figuring out out what to construct as a spaceship. I tried to draw it on a big piece of paper, but I realized we had to do 10 STEPS! Even chooing what type of shape i should was kind of hard. A rectnagle would obviously start if, but I was wondering ellipse or triangle. I'm going to end up switching the all ellipses for triangles because ellipses with rectangles seems a little bland. There really is no solution to this problem since I have 5 MORE STEPS TO GO, but I'll figure out a way.


noStroke() fill(60,0,128) rect( 180, 100, 50, 20); //Part 2 Ecllipses stroke(255,69,0) fill(500,205,50); ellipse(230, 110, 35, 50); stroke(250,59,0) fill(500,205,50) ellipse(350, 110, 35, 50); ellipse(390, 110, 60, 25); These 2 sub alogrithms are the pieces of code that were one of the parts which were able to create my so called "spaceships". These algorithms were stroke. rect, ellipse, and/or fill. With these I was able to create spaceship like images with the different shapes and sizes to try and construct a image with such embedment. My first algorithm of the third step to constructing a spaceship. It has a title above it called "Part 3 Rectangles", in which I was able to remix(or edit) the rectangle's shape size and color. The second algorithm was titled "Part 3 Ellipses" in which I was able to again remix(or edit) the ellipse's shape, size, and color to build a spaceship. If you didn't know, ellipse is another word for "oval".

To convert binary numbers to common 10 based numbers is by adding all the numbers with a 1, which in binary is distinguish by 1 (on) or 0 (off). We recognize the value of each column and add the column if it has a 1 in it.

The convertBinaryToHex can help organize the complexity of the program because it allows me to have the image in more than once place.

Brainstorming Project Ideas - A favorite of mine is basketball. This my favorite idea because I want to one day be in the NBA. Basketball has been a dream of mine says I was young. There were a lot of players that have trailblazed the way for me to be an all around player. I just hope, Godwilling, that I make the league and put up crazy numbers.

Fireworks has always been an idea of mine because of the beautiful artistry that can be applied to it for most fireworks. Every 4th of July during the night, I always stay up to watch the beautiful show of fireworks. Every single display or fireworks shown is a beautful sight to see all night, every night.

MS8- Explaining Program & Problems- My program lists different types of candies while also having my character, Kai, switching costumes walking down the street. Kai is supposed to change his costume as he enters the store, but I am still having trouble with that. I am having trouble trying to get Kai to say something when I play my program.

strokeWeight(3); //line thickness stroke(255-random(1,80),0,255-random(1,80)); //glow purp stroke(255,0,0); //red outline fill(0,0,255); //blue filling line(0,0,50,50); //x1,y1,x2,y2 rect(50,50,100,100); //a 100 pixel box at 50,50 triangle(0,0,50,0,50,0); //x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3 ellipse(50,50,100,100); //a 100 pixel circle at 50,50

Today, I am finishing my project for Computer Science. My project was about drones and how they operate, how they work, and how they could be a good and bad thing. I feel as if I should get a 3 maybe, even a 4.

Final steps on finishing my project for Mr.Bunin. I should be able to finish what I did this for my project by the end of this week so that I don't have to worry about this project again. Hopefully I could get a 3 or 4 with the hard work that I have put in.

I handed in my project for Mr.Bunin.